
We are TITANS and our new name and branding was taken over as the original BRIDGEWATER in the Czech Republic by merging with top partners TITANS freelancers in Slovakia.

We are innovative. We are independent. We are fair and direct. We are TITANTS! For more than 5 years we have been providing services in the field of outsourcing of IT specialists. We are strengthening IT teams that lack the right people. We offer IT specialists projects they can be proud of.

We work with more than 400 global companies in the European region.

For IT specialists

Are you attracted to freelancing? Don't know how or where to start? Leave it to us!

We are here for those who want to step out of the line and enter the real world of IT freelancing with the crest of the helmet on their chest. We will help you experience IT freelance world of direct communication, relationships and cohesion that we have created together and that we keep on improving day by day.

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For companies

Do you need to flexibly manage the size of your IT teams, get additional IT specialists on board immediately or reduce your labour costs?

We guarantee professionalism, fairness, individual approach and high commitment. Don't waste your time with long selection processes. We pre-select suitable candidates for you, so you can focus on your core business.

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Our story


Establishment of BRIDGEWATER

10/2017 Jakub Konečný and Milan Procházka formally establish BridgeWaterBlu. Right from the start of the company, the values and code of conduct of the company are firmly established internally and externally. The company has its first six employees, and just a month later we deliver our first freelancer to T-Mobile.



The first year of the company's operation brought with it a lot of dynamic fluctuations - a growth to 45 freelancers with revenues of almost 50 million crowns. This first milestone was marked by a business loss, which subsequently influenced the restructuring of the company and the return to a 6-member team.


Development of company culture

Significant investment was made in strengthening the internal culture of the company, building and implementing an overall concept of values that form the building blocks of the team to this day. The significant changes also included the creation of the BRIDGEWATER Academy.


Crises make us stronger

At the beginning of the year, new key team members joined the company, and during the Covid period BRIDGEWATER is working hard on its strategy for the next years. Even during the pandemic, the company is growing slightly, and it appears that the company culture is strong enough to survive these difficult times. We end 2020 with sales of almost CZK 100 million and look forward to 2021.


Acquisition with TITANS

New reinforcements in the team brought new successes. TITANS freelancers enters the company to start its European expansion and Milan Procházka sells his 70% share. The company closes the year with sales of almost CZK 180 million, confirming its booming growth.


Joining forces

The merger with TITANS freelancers leads to further streamlining of BRIDGEWATE. Strategic partnerships are being deepened and the meaningfulness of future linking companies even at the level of the name is being confirmed. Annual sales exceed CZK 250 million and the year-on-year growth of tens of percentage in almost all financial indicators is again confirmed.



TITANS as a brand officially begins to operate on the Czech market - the name changes, but the team management and the team itself remain.


The integration of the Czech and Slovak systems is speeding us up!

In September, after a one-year migration project, we connected our internal systems with those of the Slovak titans, which made working with our database of IT specialists significantly more efficient. This gives our clients quicker access to information about available IT specialists, and freelancers are automatically informed about projects that meet their preferences. This technological update not only speeds up the selection of suitable candidates, it also improves our ability to connect the right people with client projects in even shorter times.

Our team

foto Jakub Konečný


foto Igor Lubura

Chief Sales Officer

Behind the scenes

30 071

Titans that have
joined us


Clients that have
joined us

534 535

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